Educational Sponsorship
For most adolescents, education ends after just 4 years of Secondary School. College education (an additional 2 years of secondary school) is usually only available to those with sufficient financial means.
With these educational sponsorships, we enable individual children a possibility to attend better private Colleges to improve their opportunities when entering the workforce. Usually these are boarding schools (including living quarters) as there are rarely opportunities for day schools in our area.
Help us and become a Sponsor for 4 to 6 years, you will be supporting the education of an adolescent. Your support aids a specific person. To cover 1 year in college we need approximately €1000.
You’re considered fortunate if you make it to university. Tanzania has a program, which provides scholarships for well-educated individuals. For kids coming from our Learning Centers chances generally look good as the education we provide is better than public schooling. But demand is very high and often there are only partial scholarships or none at all. Many aren’t able to afford attending university.
Of course, we continue to support our young adults if they intend to attend university or a professional education. As both the education as well as housing close to the educational facility isn’t free.
We are looking for sponsors who would like to provide an educational sponsorship for 2, 3 of even more years to provide a young adult with the possibility of a university degree or professional education.
From 2020 we will be providing our kids with the opportunity of learning German, thereby we can bring them to Germany for their Education. The German education system is of excellent quality and enables graduates independence upon their return in Tanzania as well as the possibility of supporting those around them. We ask those who receive a sponsored education to support our children once they start making money.
Apply to become an educational sponsor